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The Pleasure of Reading |
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Perhaps we have not discovered the pleasures of reading. The reading habit can be formed or acquired while we are young. There is a saying," Happy is the man who acquires the habit of reading when he is young for he has secured a life-long source of pleasure, instruction and inspiration."
The pleasures of reading are many. Reading is a healthy form of creation for the mind. It is the door to all knowledge and it will widen our general knowledge. By reading books, newspapers and magazines which are easily available, we can keep pace with events taking place all over the world and keep in touch with the economic, social,political and cultural events of other countries.
A person who reads widely will store in his mind a large variety of facts,ideas and general information. This will make him more interesting,perceptive and creative. It will also provide him with inspiration. Provided we choose the right kinds of material, reading can give us all the satisfaction we want It is the most rewarding hobby man created.
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